Christopher Cobb wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: ssh expect on Cygwin
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 17:55:13 +0000

Since passwordless authentication is broken on many cygwin systems I use, I
up using the following expect script (more frequently that I would like).

Are you sure you cant just fix the passwordless login?

I have cyg on 5 different systems - works like a charm! I use keychain to
manage the keys.

I have probably a dozen servers which have ssh on it. Although I have
passwordless authentication working on many of them, I cannot get it working
on one of my main servers.

I would love to get this working. In fact, I am setting up SVN over ssh and
I would really love to get rid of the passwords. But there are some systems
where I can just not get passwordless authentication over ssh working.

This particular system is in use and I cannot, for example, arbitrarily
reboot it.  But short of that, I am willing to provide any troubleshooting
assistence to anyone who thinks they can get to the bottom of this.

Interestingly enough, between my system and this server, I can get it working
in one direction (from server to my system), but not the other (from my
system to server -- which is the way I really need it). Go figure.

The debugging technique with which I have had the most success with in this kind of circumstances is as follows:

Run another instance of sshd on a different port, with full debugging enabled to standard error:

$ sshd -Dddde -p 22222

You may well have to fiddle with permissions of the host keys and config files to get this running.

Now, try a pubkey login to this alternate sshd. Somewhere in the (copious) debug output, there is usually a clue to why the authentication is failing.

NB: In debug mode, sshd will terminate after 1 connection attempt. You will have to restart the alternate sshd each time you want to run another test.


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