On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 09:24:37 -0500, Pierre A. Humblet
> crontab chowns the crontab file group to 18. Make sure that gid 18
> is in /etc/group. Also I find it hard to believe that the strace you
> got gives no useful information.

This did it. Group 18 (SYSTEM) was not in /etc/group; instead,
/etc/group only contained domain groups, not local groups. I ran
'mkgroup -l -d > /etc/group' to recreate the file.

Re strace: the strace gave (something like) this entry about the chown() call:

  165 14525235 [main] crontab 2600 chown_worker: -1 = chown

This didn't give me enough information to figure out the missing
parameters. I believe crontab should print more verbose error output
for its critical failures.

Thanks for the tip. I would have found this out this evening if I had
to; you saved me a good 30 minutes. Thanks again!

-- Barry

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