> If this isn't the problem, my WAG is that you have a version
> of 'cygwin1.dll' already on your system, due to some previous install > or some other software that uses Cygwin surrepticously. If this is
> true, remove all copies of 'cygwin1.dll' from your system and follow
> the uninstall directions here:
> <http://cygwin.com/faq/faq_2.html#SEC19>
> If none of this describes your installation and/or helps, please
> follow the instructions at the uninstall link above, rerun 'setup.exe' > as "Install from Internet", and *attach* the 'setup.log' file
> (assuming this time things don't just "work" for you).

Your WAG was totally right. I had some Acrobat plugin called PDFmerge that had an old copy of cygwin1.dll in a 'hidden' folder that didn't turn up on previous searches for 'cygwin'. Deleted it, re-installed and everything's working great now.

Thanks SO much, i'm so happy to be able to use Cygwin now.

Sorry it was such a half-baked problem.

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