Dave Korn wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Rob S.i.k.l.o.s
Sent: 19 November 2004 18:12

Should we:
a) treat this as a McAfee bug and just let people search the mailing list archives until McAfee decides to fix it;
b) treat it as a McAfee bug and automatically add "-y McShield" in ssh-host-config if that service exists; or
c) investigate it as a possibly cygwin sshd bug;

I'm a sysadmin[*]. The _first_ thing I do whenever I've got a new PC to install on the network is remove absolutely *every* single last piece of the godawful pile of garbage that is known as Norton/McAfee/Symantec. It's not just cygwin sshd: it causes random, unpredictable failures throughout any system that is unfortunate enough to have it installed. It is bloated and ugly and buggy, and it installs hooks into every corner of the OS, which has the effect of seriously destabilising the entire system. I can't see any point trying to accomodate it.

  It should be taken outside, lined up against the wall, and shot.  Then
stabbed.  Then it should be kicked.  _Then_ it should be tied to a porcupine
and thrown in front of a speeding train.  And even that's not a fraction as
much as it _deserves_ to suffer.

  Oh, and it _never_ uninstalls itself properly.  It leaves crud throughout
the registry and filesystem.  FCOL, it leaves these stupid auto-updaters
installed and running even after the entire packages has been uninstalled.
I usually have to go in and manually nuke the fragments.

<littleengland>I don't like it!</littleengland>

I thought I was the only one with that opinion of McNorton.

If you simply must run AV, try something more civil like AVG. It at least as the virtue of mostly staying out of the way.

Michael Hipp

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