I am using pthread extensively in my program and I am
getting problem from pthread similar to those posted
in October in this same mailing list.

The problems can described as below:
1. It seems that main execution thread randomly hangs
while the dispatched threads are joined or collected.
It happens more often when memory gets tighter.

2. When I tried to trace it using gdb, it always
crashes and leave a stack without much information. In
the stack it only has kernel32,
setThreadExecutionState, and get_retrant() system
calls in it.

Sorry that I can not offer a simplified test case. I
hope it will help people who already handled the
problem to look into it again.

It is the same whether I use 1.15.2 release or the
snap shot of Nov 17 of cygwin. Though it seems
happening less often in Nov 17 snap hot.

Thanks if anyone can offer insight into this.


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