Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 01:18:07AM -0500, Aaron Miller wrote:

Aaron Miller wrote:

Raye Raskin wrote:

Hi! I've just been installing Cygwin on a new machine and getting everything into the shape I like it, but there's something I can't seem to figure out how to fix.

I'm running XWin all the time so I can use xterms, but manual pages seem to get formatted to 80 columns wide no matter how wide my xterm window is. This is, as you may imagine, somewhat irritating, and I'm at my wits' end in trying to find where to fix it.

Has anyone any advice to offer? I'd greatly appreciate it.


-- Aaron

Try making your font smaller so the man page width still fits your narrow xterm.

Thanks, but that's the exact backwards of what I'm looking for; I could've been clearer in my original message. The command line with which I start my usual xterm sets it to 120 columns, and I frequently size it up from there. This seems to be the usual mode of operation under Unix; for example, when I've ssh'd into a Linux box from a Cygwin xterm, manual pages are formatted to the terminal width instead of a hard eighty(ish) columns.

Thanks again.

...and, wow, is my grammar lousy tonight, so s/This seems to/Formatting manual page text to window size seems to/

We have a mailing list for discussing x issues - cygwin-xfree .  Please use
this mailing list for queries regarding xterm.  The xterm developer actually
follows this list.

As a wild guess, however, I'm wondering if eval `resize -s` would fix your

Thanks for the pointer, and I'll ask on the cygwin-xfree list as well. It's not really a query about xterm, though: using a shortcut that starts bash in a standard Windows command-shell which is 100 columns wide, if I ask for a manual page, I still get it formatted to eighty columns. I mentioned xterms since that's what I prefer to use, but it's not by any means a problem exclusive to those.

I tried 'eval `resize -s`', but that didn't help me any; the problem isn't in getting the terminal size to be recognized in general, but rather in getting specifically the 'man' command to recognize it.

Thanks again.

-- Aaron

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