I'm sending this here.
It was on talk amongst yourselfs.

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SEDT (VMS EDT-like editor) under Cygwin ? Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 18:07:16 +0000 (UTC) From: Jim McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: Talk Amongst Yourselves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello --

SEDT is a VMS-EDT-like editor freely available as C source code for multiple
platforms (Windows, Unix, Linux, etc) at http://www.ankersoft.com/Sedt.html

I have successfully build "sedt.exe" (following the Linux example) under
Cygwin/X ... but running it either in the Cygwin console window, and/or in an
xterm or rxvt window under Cygwin/X, I encounter strange behavior. Text
entered from the keyboard appears fine on the screeen until I hit <return>,
which instead of moving to the start of a new line echoes as ^M (actually, the
letter M in reverse-video) on the screen. This behavior is the same regardless
of which SYSTEM=xxxxx setting I use in SEDT's startup configuration file,
SEDT.CNF ... (i.e., I've tried xterm, vt100, vt200, vt300, and even IBMAT).

Any fans of VMS EDT out there who might be sufficiently interested in SEDT
under Cygwin to help me troubleshoot these problems ? Must have something to
do with how Cygwin is build on top of MS-Windows (my Windows installation is
Windows NT Workstation 4.0, SP6a, and my Cygwin kernel release is 1.5.12
(0.116/4/2), built 2004-11-10 08:34; "set" shows term = xterm.

Thanks for any assistance,

      -- Jim

-- Robert McNulty Junior email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] webpage: www.geocities.com/bobbymcn2004
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