I am trying to learn about socket programming, so I am creating a simple web 
server that receives connections and sends the requested file.  I have a start 
to the code, and this code works fine when built and ran on a true linux 
machine.  However, I have been having trouble getting it to work in Cygwin.

The error occurs in the following lines of code:

    if ((s_curr = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)  &pin, &addrlen)) == -1) 
        printf("ERROR: accept\n");

    printf("Connection Received\n");

The accept() command is not blocking, so as soon as I attempt to start the web 
server, it immediately returns the ERROR message.

Like I said, this code works fine on a true linux machine, so I was wondering 
if anybody had any suggestions as to why Cygwin is not blocking for this accept 



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