First I'd like to say that I am sorry for having to ask this.  But I have
searched the site, read the faqs and documentation, and poked around the
directory structure and I am still at a loss.
Basically I just can't use any of the commands.  'cd' and 'pwd' seem to work,
but 'ls' and even 'man' don't.  Most things that I want to use I am told that
the command is not found.
I can go to the /bin direcotry and type ./ls, and it works.  So I guess that
maybe my path is not right.  The path in the /usr/etc/default/etc/profile is
sufficient.  And this is the only place that I can find the .bashrc files and 
What do I need to do?  And why would this functionality not be there from the
beginning.  It shouldn't be this hard to make this work.  I must be doing
something stupid.
Thanks in advance
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