inscr dupont wrote:

> I know this subject has already been approached many
> times, but i still haven't found solutions before
> writing to this list.
> I've installed apache-1.3.24-4 and apache-php-4.2.0-2

1. cygwin-apps is the wrong mailing list for this.  You want cygwin at
cygwin dot com.

2. Those packages that you found were removed from the official Cygwin
distro years ago because they're old, broken, buggy, and contain
security vulnerabilities.  The place you got them was likely an out of
date mirror.  No site that you can find on the official list should
contain them.  It's not surprising that they don't work.

Unfortunately *sigh* there is no currently supported way to run apache
and php under Cygwin.  The build environment for PHP is so unix-centric
and broken that building a working PHP with proper dynamic module
support is non-trivial.  One day perhaps someone will do it, but not
yet.  I've been working on it when I get the motivation but it is
extremely frustrating trying to work with such a build system.


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