> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Gary R. Van Sickle
> Sent: 08 December 2004 05:14

> > >    I have a custom app. (linux or windows) I've been 
> compiling with 
> > > cygwin for about 6 months.  It use to run fine on any 
> > computer as long 
> > > as there was a copy of "cygwin1.dll" along with the exe.
> > >    Now (ver 1.5.12) the app just hangs on any computer 
> that doesn't 
> > > have cygwin installed.
> > 
> >   You aren't telling us the whole truth.  There's no way on 
> > earth it should even load, let alone crash: you should get a 
> > requester saying "Could not find missing dll in path...".
> > 
> "a copy of "cygwin1.dll" along with the exe" != "computer [has] cygwin
> installed"

  D'oh! <smacks forehead>  Now I get it.  Thanks also to Robert for explaining
this to me.

  Well, I tried a little experiment.  I used regedit to export my
HKLM/software/cygnus solutions and HKCU/software/cygnus solutions keys to files
for safekeeping, and then deleted them both.  This was with no cygwin apps or
services running.  Then I fired up a dos shell, went to C:\cygwin (already have
...\bin in my %PATH%), and tried "bash --login -i".

  Apart from complaining about not finding /tmp mounted, it seemed to work ok,
and it recreated dummy entries in my registry for those keys.  No crash, no
problem.  I ran a few basic commands and they worked.

  I'm running with a fairly recent CVS build of cygwin.  Maybe there was a
problem at some point that is now fixed, in which case a snapshot should fix it.
Or perhaps it's something that only occurs with the more complex file system
operations undertaken by the application he's distributing.  I guess it's time
to request he http://cygwin.com/acronyms#PPAST.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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