On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Peter Astrand wrote:

> >> I've discovered that fread(ptr, size, nitems, stream) sometimes returns a
> >> value less than "nitems", but does not set feof() nor ferror(). As I
> >A simple, compilable test case with results shown on both linux and
> >cygwin would prove your theory.
> Here you go; example follows. Test run on Linux:
> ---
> Got 66 bytes:
> /bin/ls: /somebogus: Filen eller katalogen finns inte
> /etc/passwd
> |EOF has been reached.
> ---
> Test run on Cygwin:
> ---
> $ ./a.exe
> Got 9 bytes:
> /bin/ls: |
> ---
> As you can see, the result is partial, and there is no EOF nor error.
> I guess this is the problem described at
> http://sources.redhat.com/ml/newlib/2004/msg00477.html. Perhaps you can
> apply the suggested patch?

According to <http://sources.redhat.com/ml/newlib/2004/msg00478.html>, the
patch was checked in on Oct 26.  Cygwin uses the latest version of newlib.
Cygwin 1.5.12-1 was released on Nov 10, so it should contain this patch.

You can verify this by downloading the Cygwin source package, and looking
at newlib/libc/stdio/fread.c.
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ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'           Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL     a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

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