On Dec 13 14:37, Bob Smart wrote:
> I've discovered that in some circumstances, scp seems to get tired early when 
> transferring a largish file (around 200MB).  It copies diligently for the 
> first 20-40MB (exactly where it stops varies from run to run), then CPU usage 
> drops to zero, the file stops growing on the receiving end, there's no 
> apparent network traffic, and everything just pretty much halts.  A ps shows 
> the scp task running, but not doing anything.
> I've only seen this when copying between two W2K machines (both Cygwin, both 
> using the Cygwin SSH package, both of pretty recent vintage with DLL 1.5.11). 
>  I did my development testing between Linux and NT, and I never saw this 
> behavior in that environment.  It always fails with the W2K machines.
> I also never see this happen with tar.  If I do a tar-to-tar pipe via SSH, 
> everything works even in the W2K-to-W2K environment.  However, I'd like to 
> understand why I can't use scp for this.

Hmm, that doesn't happen for me.  I tried to copy around a 200 Megs file
between WinXP and XP<->Linux multiple times and don't see any hang.  Did
you try with Cygwin 1.5.12, too?


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