Walter Landry wrote:

"Gerrit P. Haase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Walter Landry wrote:

About the gconftool-2 postinstall script hangs:

Is there an easy way to figure out why gconftool is hanging?

I guess the problem is starting up gconfd-2. It fails if there is a stale /tmp/gconfd-USER directory with files in it, look into /tmp if there is a directory gconfd-USERNAME and if so remove it and try to run the postinstall script again. You may need to shutdown any running gconfd-2 instances to do so.

That's not it.  /tmp is empty.  Also, if I try to see if gconfd is
running with "gconftool-2 --ping", that also hangs.

And during gconftool-2 is running (hanging), gconfd-2 is active or doesn't it run at all?

Evtl. you're using another directory as TMP?  What says:
set | grep TMP
set | grep TEMP

Probably the same reason why gnomevfs-ls hangs for you, the tools are
just sitting there and waiting until gconfd-2 is ready.

It only hangs for http. ftp and local stuff seems to work fine.

Interesting.  As I said, the tools always are sitting there and waiting
until gconfd-2 is started up and ready, however I would expect that all
tools are failing then.

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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