I've researched this topic online for days and it seems like every one has 
their own solution or their own idea about how user authentication works in 

What I CAN'T seem to find is a simple description of exactly what happens when 
a user tries to log in via SSH.  What is the flow of Cygwin's authentication 
process?  I assume it checks /etc/passwd and /etc/group, then somehow validates 
against Windows passwords.  But how?? Does it check passwd or group first?  
Does the user have to have a group?  How does Cygwin compare groups in the 
group file to groups in Windows?

My problem is simple... I have users that I created that cannot log in via SSH 
unless I make them members of the Windows ADMINISTRATORS group on the Windows 
2003 server that is running Cygwin.  I've tried everything I can think of and 
lots of stuff from other people that I could never have thought up myself.

Can anyone explain in detail the steps Cygwin goes through to authenticate a 
user via SSH?

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