I am working on a CD with lighttpd popped up on it. But I cannot set up the
lighttpd root to point to the CD root in machines where cygwin is installed.
There is no problem at all for non-cygwin box with lighttpd pointing to the CD
root. I think the problem is there's a setting of 

C:\cygwin             27752252  26707836   1044416  97% /

somewhere in the environment or registry which I won't be able to change.

Can anybody help point out how cygwin sets up these mounting points?

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      27752252  26707836   1044416  97%
C:\cygwin\bin         27752252  26707836   1044416  97% /usr/bin
C:\cygwin\lib         27752252  26707836   1044416  97% /usr/lib
C:\cygwin             27752252  26707836   1044416  97% /
df: `/a': No medium found
c:                    27752252  26707836   1044416  97% /c
df: `/d': No medium found
e:                    11303728  10997656    306072  98% /e
f:                      634008    634008         0 100% /f
g:                      255716    210056     45660  83% /g
df: `/i': No medium found
df: `/j': No such file or directory

Thanks in advance.

Jason FU

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