David Christensen wrote:

you wrote in your second posting with this subject that it is not
resolved, however it works for me.

I have run Cygwin setup and chosen "DOS" line endings.

Well, I use binary mode mounts but have some textmode mounts for testing.

When I create a text file with DOS line endings (CRLF):

    This is a text file created with Notepad.
    It has DOS (CRLF) line endings.

Look at it with (unxutils) "od":

<CVSENV>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dump textfile.txt
000000   T   h   i   s       i   s       a       t   e   x   t       f
000010   i   l   e       c   r   e   a   t   e   d       w   i   t   h
000020       N   o   t   e   p   a   d   .  \r  \n   I   t       h   a
000030   s       D   O   S       (   C   R   L   F   )       l   i   n
000040   e       e   n   d   i   n   g   s   .  \r  \n

Run it through Cygwin "expand":

    <CVSENV>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ expand textfile.txt > textfile.out

And look at the output using (unxutils) "od":

<CVSENV>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dump textfile.out
000000   T   h   i   s       i   s       a       t   e   x   t       f
000010   i   l   e       c   r   e   a   t   e   d       w   i   t   h
000020       N   o   t   e   p   a   d   .  \n   I   t       h   a   s
000030       D   O   S       (   C   R   L   F   )       l   i   n   e
000040       e   n   d   i   n   g   s   .  \n

Note that the line endings have been changed to Unix ("\n").

I took the textfile from the attachment which has actually two \r\n at the end which are 78 bytes at all:

$ expand textfile.txt
This is a text file created with Notepad.
It has DOS (CRLF) line endings.

$ od -Ad -tc textfile.txt
0000000   T   h   i   s       i   s       a       t   e   x   t       f
0000016   i   l   e       c   r   e   a   t   e   d       w   i   t   h
0000032       N   o   t   e   p   a   d   .  \r  \n   I   t       h   a
0000048   s       D   O   S       (   C   R   L   F   )       l   i   n
0000064   e       e   n   d   i   n   g   s   .  \r  \n  \r  \n

This is on a textmode mount and I see the same on a binmode mount.

It seems that you have updated Cygwin to 1.5.12, but you have not
updated fileutils/sh-utils/textutils, please install coreutils to
replace all these three packages.

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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