Gerrit has admonished me, and I am abashed -- I've run cygcheck (below).

You have actually read the website I quoted?

I.e. this:

"Run cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out and include that file as an
attachment in your report. Please do not compress or otherwise encode
the output. Just attach it as a straight text file so that it can be
easily viewed."

I'm running cygwin v1.5.12-1 under WinXP Pro version 2002, SP 1

Could the presence of two "C:\cygwin\bin"s in the path have any effect? There 
seems to be only
one "/bin" entry in the PATH variables under Cygwin and Windows, though.

No. Should be no problem.

Still, there is only one reference to cygwin1.dll in the following output.

Yes. I see nothing obvious.

Have you updated recently?

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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