Message from "Christopher Faylor" on 01/05/05 08:38 PM PT quoted:
How do you feel about the off-color content in the cygwin fortune files?

  [ ] Offended.  Think about the children!
  [X] Not offended.  Stop bothering me with your Puritanical values.
  [X] Don't care.  Can we go back to talking about how negative this list is 

I'm not offended and I don't care, if that makes sense.

I have seen the comments made and I think we're overlooking a very important point here. This is provided to us for free, and from hard-working people at that. If you don't like it, find another software package that suits your needs. If you paid for it, then you'd have more ground for your claims. Alas, that's not the case here.

In addition, Christopher did show a way for you to perform your own make to remove the offensive material and you can perform it on your own. If you're that insulted, do the make and get rid of it.

If you're using Cygwin, you purchased a Microsoft operating system. Do you honestly think the product you paid for is 100% pure to your standards? I think not. Privacy issues with Windows Media Player come to mind, and I'm sure there are others. It's all about perspective folks.


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