On Thu, 6 Jan 2005, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:

> > That already carries a judgment reflecting your values.
> > Certainly the people who included them in fortune thought otherwise.
> If they had thought otherwise, they wouldn't have included them in the first
> place.  As a licensed nerd mind-reader, I can tell you exactly the thought
> process involved here: "Teeeheeeheee!  I'm gonna add a bunch of dirty
> limericks to my program!  That'll compensate for my inability to obtain
> sex!"

The point here is that someone said that this has nothing to do with
values, as if it were an absolute truth that the limericks should be
thrown away. However, the very fact that this thread is so long suggests

> > > If someone's interest runs in that direction that interest
> > can easily
> > > be fulfilled elsewhere.
> >
> > You can say that about many other components of cygwin (say, games).
> >
> No you can't.  Unless, say "games", includes similar obscenity.

You can say, and it would be true: "If someone's interest runs in the
direction of games that interest can easily be fulfilled elsewhere".
That's not an argument for removing games from cygwin, and it is not an
argument for removing the limericks from it either.


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