Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

I'm porting I program I wrote under Linux to Windows using cygwin. It compiled without a single change, but when run, libglade's glade_xml_signal_autoconnect function did not find the signal handler functions, and issues errors like this:

libglade-WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'some_function'.

For the functions that were written by me, the solution was very simple: I added G_MODULE_EXPORT to the declarations, and this made them be correctly exported, so that libglade found them.

However, I use also as signal handlers a couple of functions from the gtk+ library, such as gtk_widget_hide_on_delete. This function is not found, and the handler is not connected. --export-dynamic is in the linker flags, I've verified that.

It seems that the functions in the gtk+ dll are not exported, but this seems very weird, so I guess I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps something more is needed under cygwin for that to work?

Thanks in advance,

gtk_widget_hide_on_delete is exported explicitly (at least in version 2.4.14 whioch is the latest available).

How do you compile your application (ie the link command)?

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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