On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:

> > A number of people like them.
> A number of people like hard pore cornography too.  Cygwin doesn't provide
> that, at least not in visual form, at least not that I'm aware of.
> The question stands:  What is the reason Cygwin should provide this obscene
> content?

A number of people feel the dirty limericks are close enough
to the purpose of fortune for them to have been included and kept.
But nobody thought it would be interesting to include pore cornography in
Cygwin (or, for that matter, the full works of Shakespeare). If lots
of people wanted that, then it should be done too.

It all boils down to cost/benefit, benefits here being how many people
find an item good to include and costs being how many don't, and maybe
even file size as well. Pore cornography would probably involve lots of
negative reaction and large files, and the people who like it wouldn't
care since they can easily get it elsewhere. In the limericks case, the -o
option seems to have the least cost/benefit ratio.


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