Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:

Most agree that it's a packaging bug in fortune, and that the limericks file should be renamed limericks-o and ROT13'd. End of discussion.

Nononono, don't you try to force your end-of-discussion values on ME!

[I'm not done forcing my morals on you...]

I agree that at a minimum, the obfuscation you describe is absolutely required. However, I'd like an answer to a question which I raised with a different poster: What's the reason to provide this profanity at all in the Cygwin distro?

People, people! We're forgetting the real reason why we slave and toil with Cygwin! The answer to your question Gary is simple - Because we're mean! There ya go! End of discussion!

To the best of my knowledge, there are no Cygwin X-screensavers loaded with obfuscated pornographic pictures. I can't imagine one being accepted were it to be proposed by somebody. But dirty limericks get the green light? Why?

'Cause their funny! And because we're mean!

But, in the intrest of the desire of many here to have their porn and limericks too, I offer this new constructive vote category suggestion:

"[ ] I demand more filth! Add a new "Porn" category to Setup!"

Frankly, I'd think just pulling the off-color material is the easiest solution from a legal, moral, technical, and argumentological standpoint.

Translation: I will continue my proslitizing until I get my way!

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