I am experiencing a problem with my mailbox. Each day I am
getting 25-30 messages entitled "Obscene content in cygwin file".
I have had a look at a few of them and they appear to contain
junk. I am wondering how the problem can be rectified. Perhaps
a new list entitled cygwin-junk could be created? If the junk
keeps on going to the main list people are bound to start


>===== Original Message From Francis Litterio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
>> Good thing I didn't install it at work, and that I don't work at a Megacorp
>> that has whole departments devoted to rooting through peoples' files 
>> for reasons to fire them.
>IMHO, this is the single best reason for obfuscating the profanity with
>Francis Litterio
>franl <at> world . std . com
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Dr Christian Hicks
Senior Lecturer,
Director of Postgraduate Training,
School of Mechanical & Systems Engineering,
Stephenson Building,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 7RU.
Phone: +44 191 222 6238
Mobile 0796 398 9449
Fax: + 44 191 222 8600
Homepage: http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/chris.hicks

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