On Jan 11 00:08, Brett Porter wrote:
> What's weirder: it works when run from bash, but fails when forked
> from Java (actually, via the program Ant). If I fork  "bash -c 'set'",
> the environment seems normal, so I assume ssh is also getting the
> normal environment. If I fork bash from java and run ssh, it still
> fails. If I run ssh from cmd.exe, it succeeds.

It could be a simple problem with stdio buffering or it could be the
same problem which keeps native unison from working over ssh in 1.5.12.
You could try to switch to unbuffered IO in java before forking ssh,
just for testing.  Is the output from the server side necessary for
your application to work?  If not, you could redirect output on the
server side to /dev/null.


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