On Jan 15 08:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Seems to me we ought to see if we can't update the symlink() impl such that 
> this is addressed. I'm betting there's some new attributes or whatever (as 
> Igor notes) that've been added to symlinks in XP and if we can figure out 
> what 
> that is, and figure out what the minimum is we need to change in our 
> cygwin-created .lnk files, we can perhaps (likely?) fix this without 
> adversely 
> affecting performance. Maybe there's some new system call on XP that we can 
> use to create these buggers (if we're lucky)? After all, AFAIK, all cygwin 
> cares about is the cygwin path being in the .lnk file's "comment" 
> attribute/field, yes?

I'm glad that you're talking about "us" as a group.  Anybody interested
in tracking that down?


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