On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 19:42 -0500, Arturus Magi wrote:
> Adrian Cox wrote:
>   > So what are the other problems?
> Programs picking up the wrong version of the DLL and failing with little 
> or no explanation available to the user (whom will, likely as not, fail 
> to provide a useful report to the developer, if they bother to report it 
> at all), for one.

I know that with current Cygwin both instances will open the same shared
memory region but expect a different format of the contents. That's why
I proposed making each cygwin1.dll derive the name of the shared memory
region from its native WIN32 path. I'm interested in failures that would
still occur if the two cygwin DLLs used different shared memory regions
and registry keys.


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