On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 09:51 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 08:41:51AM +0000, Adrian Cox wrote:

> >Have you considered building a custom version of the latest Cygwin, and
> >putting it on their box in a different directory?  Trying to solve this
> >sort of problem is unpopular on this list, but my initial research
> >suggests that changing the values of CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_IDENTIFIER and
> You really shouldn't be giving out advice to people without
> understanding what the problems are.  You don't even know why this
> person needs to hve an older version of cygwin.  Immediately jumping to
> the conclusion that they just need to mess with things in the source and
> recompile is not good advice.

Because it is extremely common to distribute an application along with
the correct version of the support packages. If I distribute a Windows
application which uses perl, I want to distribute a tested working perl
interpreter in the same package. If I distribute a Windows application
using Cygwin, I want to distribute a tested working Cygwin DLL in the
same package. Disk space and bandwidth are so cheap they're almost free.
Testing takes time.

These people already have one tested and working application on an old
version of Cygwin. Now they want to run a second application validated
against a newer version of Cygwin. As far as I can see Cygwin has been
deliberately designed to make this difficult.


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