cgf wrote:
>After installing cygwin on one of my boss's machines, he too was
> >missing grep - and I know for certain he's never installed cygwin on
> >his machine.  However, I'll hunt this down.  On my machine at least I
> >have maybe half a dozen different installs sitting around in various
> >states of disrepair.  Once I can get it working correctly on my
> >machine, I'll look at his.
> Hopefully, you have finally bitten the bullet and just installed
> grep by rerunning setup.exe by now...

That's the only way I've ever installed cygwin.  I have rerun and
rerun and rerun setup ... more than a half dozen times just this
go around ... dozens and dozens of times on various machines over
the last few years.  Every single install I recall has missed something.
It's always been a matter of how much annoyance I could tolerate.
An absence of grep far exceeds the limit - and so I make inquiry.
Following the instructions on that web page Larry gave me, I've completely
eradicated cygwin from my machine and begun the reinstall (30% complete).
I should know very shortly whether this will work.

Also, it turns out there was indeed a cygwin1.dll loaded with xgobi
(an app I only used a short while and then forgot about).  


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