On Jan 21, 2005, at 2:56 AM, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 01:33:07 -0500, Chad J McQuinn wrote:
I'm try to put a cygwin installation (not the installer; a full-blown
installation) on CD. The basic idea is that I want to set up cygwin,
put it on CD, and then by means of a batch file, have that CD act as a
portable cygwin installation.

Can you use IU's Cygwin-based XLiveCD?

It does look good, and I wasn't aware of it. Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, it won't quite do what I want. I doesn't have tetex, which is definitely one of my must-have packages.

However, it does look like they got the symlinks to work on the cd, so if I can figure how to do that myself, I'm set. I don't see anything in their docs that indicates how they constructed the CD image though.


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