--- Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 04:46 PM 1/20/2005, you wrote:
> >Thanks!
> >
> >When open DOS prompt first. Then type:
> >E:\cygwin\cgywin.bat
> >
> >Cygwin runs correctly. No complain.
> If that's the case then maybe the link on your desktop is bad
> somehow.
> Recreate one by dragging from the explorer the cygwin.bat file onto
> your 
> desktop.  See if that helps.
> >Try cygcheck -srv got:
> >(Notice that there is "Warning: There are multiple cygwin1.dlls on
> >your path", could this be a problem?)
> No, in this case it's finding the same file twice.

Observe follows:
(1) In explorer click the cygwin.bat, doesn't work
(2) create shortcut to cygwin.bat on desktop, doesn't work
(3) The icon on desktop and in the start menu created by cygwin setup
program, doesn't work
(4) copy cygwin.bat to desktop, works!!!


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