Hi Yitzckak,

On 13-Jan-2005 21:27, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

  Achilles:  Don't tell me you believe in fortune-telling!
  Tortoise:  No...but they say it works even if you don't believe in it.
     -- GEB, Hofstadter

I've made a new version of fortune available for installation.

Thanks for bracing the storm and doing this!

One thing, though: this version is much, much slower than the previous one. It takes around a second to produce a fortune, while the old one ran pretty much instantaneously. (This is on a high end XP box.)

When I run "strace fortune", the new version produces 16,771 lines of output. The old version produces 467 lines...
I won't attach it to this message, for size reasons.

You might think: what's the big deal, a second to run fortune, but I'm running fortune from my prompt(*), so I now have to wait up to a second for my prompt to appear.

– Michael

(*): This is using zsh. I basically have the following lines in my .zshrc:

# Load color arrays
autoload colors

# Fortune before every prompt
echo -n "\n$fg[blue]"
fortune -a -s # but think about the children...
echo -n "$reset_color"

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