> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Max Bowsher
> Sent: 01 February 2005 15:35

> Vladius wrote:

> >    As U can see... it automatically passes -lcygwin flag to the
> > linker(g++). When cygcheck'ing resulting DLL it lists 
> cygwin DLL as one
> > of its dependencies.
> > I heard somewhere that cygwin is requierd for DLL 
> initialisation, is it true?

  I dunno, but I see lotsa references to something called
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' which sounds fairly suggestive.... then again,
you can't always tell what a subroutine does from the name.

> > The interesting thing is that linking against resulting DLL with
> > so-called "-mno-cygwin -lcygwin" mix results in program startup
> > failure(no errors, it just hangs).
> >    Any ideas on how to create cygwin independent DLL with libtool?
> Perhaps.
> But unless it *directly* relates to the special courtesy provision 
> of -mno-cygwin, it's a matter independent of cygwin, and thus 
> independent of this mailing list!

  If the cygwin port of libtool passes two conflicting flags (-mno-cygwin and
-lcygwin) to the underlying compiler, then it's a cygwin problem, surely?

> mingw-users might be a better forum.

  Surely this is either a cygwin problem or an autotools problem?  (libtool
counts as part of autotools, doesn't it?)  It's not mingw's fault we've passed
bad args to the compiler......

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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