> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Dave Korn
> Sent: 07 February 2005 18:13

> > But the number of lines/bytes at which the error disappears 
> > does not seem to be constant.

  Ah, I just managed to reproduce this.  That is indeed rather strange.  Hmm.  

  Oh, hang on, it gets more interesting, I just got it to *really* fail.  Here's
a test on a file with 4207 lines in it.....

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
tee: write error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
tee: write error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
tee: write error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
tee: write error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/firmware> cat diffs.txt  | tee tmp2.txt  | head -4100 
> /dev/nu
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

  Wow.  The last time where I tried it, it paused for a long time as if it had
hung, and then managed to kill my entire bash shell and cygwin.bat session.  I
guess there really is a bug there.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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