Rizwan Kassim wrote:
> Rxvt v2.7.10 - released: 26 MARCH 2003
> Options:
> XPM,transparent,utmp,menubar,multichar_languages,scrollbars=rx
> vt+NeXT+xterm,frills,linespace,256colour,.Xdefaults
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$cat .Xdefaults
> Rxvt.cursorColor:           red
> Rxvt.scrollBar_right:   True
> Rxvt.selectstyle:       old
> I don't see any changed behavior!
> What is 2.20, by the way?

appears to be the same exe...
Rxvt v2.7.10 - released: 26 MARCH 2003

Definitely changes the cursor color and scrollbar location on my terms.
Not sure about selectstyle, i use the default and am happy with
it(although i seem to recall running across a definition while googling
re this yesterday).

I also did a quick change to background and foreground colors -- they
were picked up too.

Are you explicitely setting values in the call to open a new term that
are overriding those in .Xdefaults?
My normal means of opening rxvt terminals is via shortcuts that equate
to some variant of:

  rxvt.exe  -sr -sl 2500  -geometry 80x25 -sb -fg green -bg midnightblue
-fn "lucida console-13-bold" -e bash --rcfile /home/rthompso/.bashrc

The explicitely given parameters will override those in .Xdefaults.
(Using different color schemes for different hosts makes it easy for me
to determine with a 'look' what host the current terminal is connected

$ ls -lrt ~/.Xdefaults
-rwx------+ 1 Reid.Thompson Domain Users 236 Feb 10 08:59


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