On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 11:23:03AM -0800, David Rothenberger wrote:
>I'm having a problem with the 20050215 snapshot (and the 20050131 as
>well). My ssh-agent connection is not being forwarded by ssh. This is
>working fine with the 20041119 snapshot.
>Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. I've got ssh and sshd
>correctly configured to forward ssh-agent connections. The second ssh
>command should not prompt to the public key passphrase.
>% keychain ~/.ssh/id_dsa
>KeyChain 2.0.3; http://www.gentoo.org/projects/keychain
> Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL
> * All previously running ssh-agent(s) have been stopped.
> * Initializing /home/drothe/.keychain/tela-sh file...
> * Initializing /home/drothe/.keychain/tela-csh file...
> * Starting new ssh-agent
> * 1 more keys to add...
>Enter passphrase for /home/drothe/.ssh/id_dsa:
>Identity added: /home/drothe/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/drothe/.ssh/id_dsa)
>% . ~/.keychain/tela-sh
>% ssh `hostname`
>% ssh `hostname`
>Enter passphrase for key '/home/drothe/.ssh/id_dsa':

I tried this on four different computers and was unable to duplicate
the problem.  I also asked Corinna to try it out and she was unable
to duplicate it either.

I assume that ssh-agent is disappearing after the first ssh connection
attempt.  Can you use "strace -ofoo -p <pid>" to attach to the ssh-agent
prior to the first ssh `hostname` and send the output here?


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