On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 05:37:30PM -0800, shih lin wrote:
>after I connect to aol, I get aol's ip, then I went to
>www.network-tools.com to use its trace and ping to check this address,
>the result of ping say time out.
>the result of trace at last 4 parts always response timeout except one
>time I change my XP home ed window security (firewall setting) (I can
>not remembered which), it success report to host name with that ip
>without timeout.
>first, what is timeout mean for both ping and trace?  and second,
>should I change my xp's window firewall setting so It won't have
>timeout.  -- and can it finally let outsider see my website's test page
>by typing that aol assigned public?
>highly appreciate your help, and thanks in advance

I don't see anything in the above that is remotely related to cygwin.

If you need help setting up some part of XP then you should be seeking
another forum.


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