On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 07:44:46PM +0100, David Dindorp wrote:
>Cristopher Faylor wrote:
>>David Dindorp wrote:
>>>Bash seems to think that it's child has terminated prematurely.
>>>Has anyone experienced something similar?
>>>Evidence: See the order of execution in the script below,
>>>compare with what bash does (further below).
>>>Version: snapshot 20050226 / bash 3.0.
>>It's difficult to see how this could be an actual run
>>of the above script.
>I snipped irrelevant parts of the output, eg. long paths.
>(FYI, the original log file is ~ 341.000 lines of output.)
>>What happened to the leading slash?
>Busted!  Damn...
>>FWIW, when I try this, everything works as expected.  It's difficult
>>to see how this could be executed out of order unless your tar
>>and/or sleep are not standard cygwin programs.
>It does work 90% of the time.
>Under Cygwin 1.5.10, the problem is also there, and *MUCH* worse.
>tar.exe, gzip.exe and sleep.exe are from *cough* 1.5.10 *cough*.
>I was told that it doesn't matter as long as the Cygwin DLL
>is a fresh nightly.  I'll replace them with 1.5.12-1's and catch
>the error again (prolly in a couple of days or so) if that's

There is no such thing as a "1.5.12-1 version" of tar.

You asked what you could do to report problems.  Being precise is one
thing you could do.  You could also provide cygcheck output as is
suggested by http://cygwin.com/problems.html .

Also, providing simple test cases which reproduce the problem would help.
I just wasted some time trying to reproduce your environment since I
assumed that you'd provided a script which could easily reproduce the
problem and that this was a problem which was specific to the snapshot.
Apparently that is not the case.

Anyway, this sounds a lot like the bash problem which has been discussed
here over the last several months (most heavily in the October time
frame).  If you aren't running bash-2.05b-17 then that's probably your


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