At 10:49 AM 3/3/2005 -0600, Bryan Thrall wrote:
>> From: Paul Hodor
>> Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 08:13:36 -0800 (PST)
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to set up a cron service to update some directories on a
>> network drive, but I ran into a problem.
>> This copy command works from the command-line:
>> cp -a -u -v //mydrive/myshare/dir1/* //mydrive/myshare/dir2 >> log 2>&1
>> However, if I run it with cron I get the following error:
>> cp: cannot stat `//mydrive/myshare/dir1/*': No such file or directory
>> Do I need to use a different syntax for the path or am I doing
>> something else wrong? I am running Windows XP Professional version 2002
>> SP1 and cygwin DLL version 1.5.12.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>I think I've run into this very problem. Are you running cron as a 
>different user than your login (such as SYSTEM)? My understanding is 
>that in that case, cron has a limited form of su which does not allow it 
>to fully authenticate as you when accessing network drives. So, it tries 
>to su to your login when it runs your cron job, but cannot read or write 
>to network drives you have mapped.
>Unfortunately, I don't know a workaround for this. You could have cron 
>map the network drive itself (using 'net use') but that would probably 
>require a password - in plain text! You could also run cron as yourself 
>so it actually uses your login (rather than trying to su), but that 
>means every time you login you have to start cron and it won't be 
>running after you log out!

Run /bin/cron-config . It will offer to run cron as a service under your
account. It will keep running after you log out.


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