----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 04 March 2005 16:55

> On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Pat Kane wrote:

>> To duplicate the problem try:       cat  /dev/clipboard
>> first with a text selection and then after using Windows to copy a
>> program (right click, copy), or after taking a screen  snapshot
>> (cntrl-alt-prntScrn). 

> Ok, I can reproduce this on WinXP Pro SP1.  The last few lines of strace
> before the exception[*] show a read call that executes normally, and then
> a SEGV.  Someone with a debug version of Cygwin [...snip!...]

<wakes up>Grmbmmgf?  Huh?  did someone call my name?  Here's the results
from the .stackdump file:

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610AB771
eax=00000000 ebx=00000400 ecx=FFFFFFFF edx=00000000 esi=00000000
ebp=0022ED60 esp=0022ED5C program=C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe, pid 4224, thread
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022ED60  610AB771  (00000000, 00000002, 0000000F, 610ABD58)
0022EDC0  6101B28F  (0022EE78, 00000001, 0022EDF0, 61045C38)
0022EDF0  61019508  (617E1458, 0022EE78, 00000001, 00000400)
0022EE60  6107CC95  (00000003, 0022EE78, 00000001, 6107DF7F)
0022EE80  6107CABD  (00000003, 0A0501F8, 00000400, 00000000)
0022EEB0  6107348F  (00000003, 0A0501F8, 00000400, 2CF91218)
0022EEE0  00401672  (0A0501F8, 00000400, 0022EFA0, 00402022)
0022EFA0  0040202E  (00000002, 617E2CB8, 0A0500A8, 0022EFF8)
0022EFE0  610054DD  (0022EFF8, 00000000, 00000002, 00000003)
0022FF60  61005603  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
End of stack trace

  Hmmph.  Calling strlen on a NULL pointer.  D'oh!

void __stdcall
fhandler_dev_clipboard::read (void *ptr, size_t& len)
  HGLOBAL hglb;
  size_t ret;
  UINT formatlist[2];
  UINT format;
  if (eof)
    len = 0;
      formatlist[0] = cygnativeformat;
      formatlist[1] = current_codepage == ansi_cp ? CF_TEXT : CF_OEMTEXT;
      OpenClipboard (0);
      if ((format = GetPriorityClipboardFormat (formatlist, 2)) <= 0)
          CloseClipboard ();
#if 0
          system_printf ("a non-accepted format! %d", format);
          len = 0;
          hglb = GetClipboardData (format);
          if (format == cygnativeformat)
              unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) GlobalLock (hglb);
              size_t buflen = (*(size_t *) buf);
              ret = ((len > (buflen - pos)) ? (buflen - pos) : len);
              memcpy (ptr, buf + sizeof (size_t)+ pos , ret);
              pos += ret;
              if (pos + len - ret >= buflen)
                eof = true;
              GlobalUnlock (hglb);
              LPSTR lpstr;
              lpstr = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hglb);

              ret = ((len > (strlen (lpstr) - pos)) ? (strlen (lpstr) - pos)
                     : len);

  So, GetClipboardData is failing and returning NULL.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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