> Dave Korn wrote:
>> David Dindorp wrote:

>> Version:
>> Cygwin DLL  2005-03-04

>> Source location:
>> /netrel/src/cygwin-snapshot-20050304-1/winsup/cygwin/pinfo.h:178

>> Stack trace:
>>  Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=[SNIP]
>>  End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

>> I'd be happy to make a test case, but I'm quite busy doing other
>> test cases and real work at the moment.  If this report is not
>> helping anyone at all, let me know.

> The stackdump is no help unless you decode it yourself: see
> http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-03/msg00154.html for why.

I read your posting, it was very useful!  That was also how I found
out that 'addr2line' will convert eip's to source lines - see
"source location" point in my original mail.

I missed your statement about running 'addr2line' for _each_ line
in the stack trace though.  Sorry!  I've done that, it's further

Is there anything else I can do to be helpful with finding this?

I have absolutely no clue right now, so *any* information would
be helpful for me.

Whole stack trace converted to source addresses.
All paths relative to:

 0022CD98  pinfo.h:178  (0022CEF0, 0022CEF4, 0022CEF8, 0022CDA0)
 0022CF18  fork.cc:562  (000000FF, 0022CF38, 0022CF34, 00000003)
 0022CF48  ??:0         (00000000, 00000000, 0022CF7C, 0A0750C0)
 0022CFA8  ??:0         (0A0750C0, 00000000, 0046A816, 00000000)
 0022D038  ??:0         (0022D078, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
 0022D058  ??:0         (0022D078, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
 0022D088  ??:0         (0A0741E0, 00000000, 0022D0E8, 0040CDAF)
 0022D0A8  ??:0         (0A0741E0, 00000000, 0022D0FC, 0A07637B)
 0022D0C8  ??:0         (0A0741E0, 00000000, 0041F5B0, 0A065A50)
 0022D108  ??:0         (0A075B30, 00000001, 0022D138, 00424814)
 0022D118  ??:0         (0A075B30, 0A076070, 0022D148, 00000001)
 0022D138  ??:0         (0A065A50, 0000001F, 0022D1B8, 00410235)
 0022D148  ??:0         (0A065A50, 00000000, 0022D188, 6105E4C5)
 0022D1B8  ??:0         (0A065A28, FFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFF, 00000000)
 0022D1F8  ??:0         (0A065A10, 00000000, FFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFF)
 0022D228  ??:0         (0A065960, 00000000, FFFFFFFF, FFFFFFFF)

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