Yesterday, I was troubled by the sshd/McAfee-Problem that was already reported several times here.

In short: On the server, there's McAfee and sshd installed as a service. After reboot, sshd service is started, but every access from outside gives "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host". Restarting the service repairs the problem until next reboot.

In some contributions here McAfee was blamed for the problem, delaying the sshd start until after McAfee start helped, some proposed to use rebaseall instead. Maybe somebody who was also struck with this is interested to hear that I had to do both: Neither helped by itself, but using rebaseall once *and* delaying the service actually worked.

I am not claiming that I remotely understand why this worked. If this was a "rebase"-problem, I would not have expected a service restart to solve it... Well, I don't care. Works.


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