Eric Brunson wrote:

I've had a bitch of a time getting a response through, but anyway...

If definitely seems to be a problem with the termio. When I 'type blind' at the CLI then issue 'quit' all the output from my commands pours out.

Is there a work around? Some setting in the xterm or rxvt?

No settings in xterm of rxvt - both use ptys in my understanding and there are not settings to turn off using ptys! The workaround is to use a Windows window not an rxvt/xterm window emulator. IOW click on the Cygwin icon on your desktop which should run the dumb, old, crappy DOS window shell with bash running inside of it (Either that or start a cmd window and then run bash --login -i). That should work with a Windows oriented mysql monitor since the Windows oriented mysql monitor is using things like /dev/conin and /dev/conout. At least this is how I understand it.

Otherwise, I'd love to have a copy of your cygwin compiled version. I want to get it working in emacs SQLi mode, then I'll be happy.

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