I'm a little surprised by this behavior from "cygpath"

% cygpath -w "//nsk120000650701/share"
% cygpath -w "//nsk120000650701/share_does_not_exist"
cygpath: error converting "//nsk120000650701/share_does_not_exist" - No such 
host or network path

In the first command, the path in the argument exists, in the second the path 
does not.  I think cygpath should convert the path even if the path/file don't 
currently exist.  Or perhaps there should be an option to get that behavior.

My real concern is converting this //nsk1prn02/c304_p to this 
\\nsk1prn02\c304_p.  This is a valid win2k printer path that I could pass to 
/cygdrive/c/WINNT/system32/print using the /D: option, but cygpath won't 
convert it.

I did a complete cygwin update moments ago.

Fred Wheeler

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