On 3/17/2005 6:20 PM, John Whitlock wrote:
I was having the same problem as Patrick Graebal (see Bash hangs, CTRL-C
required).  The cygwin shell was very slow to start, and executing
"bash --login -i -x" showed that the time consuming programs were the same
(id -un, uname -s, etc.).  I also tried reinstalling base packages, a
complete reinstall, etc.  On a whim, I shut down [EMAIL PROTECTED], and things 
back to normal speed.

I believe you're experiencing the same problem discussed in <http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-03/msg00159.html>.

Summary: Try a snapshot.

David Rothenberger                spammer? -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPG/PGP: 0x7F67E734, C233 365A 25EF 2C5F C8E1 43DF B44F BA26 7F67 E734

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