On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:53:45 -0500, Jonathan Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, you aren't going to get a colored prompt from within Emacs, but you
> can set it up in your .bashrc so it is usable.  I have this code in my 
> .bashrc:
> if [ "$EMACS" == "t" ]
> then
>      export PS1="*** \@ *** \w  ***\n\r"
> else
>      export PS1="*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** $YELLOW\w$WHITE  ***\n\r$NEUTRAL"
> fi
> So while it isn't colored, it gives me the info anyway.

I do the terminal checking the other way, because many terminals can
not display colors. Like this:

if [ "$TERM" = xterm -o    \
    "$TERM" = cygwin ] ; then
       (set PS with colors)
       (set PS with NO colors)


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