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According to Jonathan Arnold on 3/25/2005 7:16 AM:
>> I would prefer the cygwin default for bash to be:
>> PS1='\[\e]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED] \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
> Well, I'm hoping I can find the time to propose a bash update this weekend
> to the official packages.  I finally found a reference to a nice "recipe"
> for building a package, as the Cygwin package web page is a little
> overwhelming.
> But via the FAQ, there's a pointer to a very concise posting by Charles
> Wilson on how to do it, and I'm going to try and get to this weekend. If
> it is under control of the bash package, then I will add this in. But it
> may not be.

Nope, /etc/profile is under the control of base-files, not bash, so you
don't have to worry about it when trying to package bash.  And the people
on cygwin-apps will help you with suggestions if you need them for
packaging bash (thanks for volunteering by the way) - I still remember the
learning curve to get diffstat prepared as the first package I maintain.
Also, check out the generic build script, it automates several of the
steps in Chuck's email as listed in the FAQ (can we get FAQ 88 updated to
add a link to the latest version of the GBS?).  It is covered in more
detail near the end of http://cygwin.com/setup.html.

Bash is particularly annoying to build, since Chet Ramey does not publish
new tarballs with the 16 official patches against 3.0 already applied, and
since he does not make his development repository public.

- --
Life is short - so eat dessert first!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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