On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 01:30:00PM -0500, Williams, Gerald S (Jerry) wrote:
>Matt Olson wrote:
>> Unfortunately, while "compile .o files with -mno-cygwin" fixes my toy
>> example, it doesn't help the real code I'm trying to build:
>> If the problem is object files being compiled without -mno-cygwin and
>> linked with it, do I need to make sure that all of the (static?)
>> libraries I link with are also compiled with -mno-cygwin?
>Yes, that's no doubt what's going on. You are trying to link
>some object files that depend on the Cygwin runtime library
>and others that depend on the MinGW library. If you can, you
>should choose one or the other entirely, which should resolve
>your link issues.
>If you're looking for some way to link some libraries that
>depend on Cygwin and others that depend on MinGW, I have no
>experience with that.

i.e., "Don't do that".

In general, you can't mix cygwin and non-cygwin libraries.

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