Hi All...

It looks good on 98 and 2k. cvs and ssh were used on both machines with no problems.



From: Corinna VinschenSubject: Please test 2005-Apr-12 snapshot
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 17:33:03 +0200

I'd like to ask people to test the latest snapshot as of today. It contains
two patches, one of them with some impact on how timestamps are used.

The first patch is less important, it should just stop floppy access when
sync is called on Win2K boxes.

The second patch is this:

In 1.5.13 and 1.5.14 we introduced touching the CreationTime stamp in
a way, which simulates a POSIX ctime using the CreationTime stamp.
This resulted in some complaints, the most important one that native
Windows applications might misbehave because of strange CreationTimes.

The snapshot now contains a patch which changes the ctime handling as

- Windows NT supports a fourth timestamp which is inaccessible from the
  Win32 API.  The NTFS filesystem actually implements it.  It behaves
  as a ctime in a POSIX-like fashion.  Cygwin's st_ctime stat member now
  contains this ChangeTime, if it's available.

- Any other file system, which doesn't support the ChangeTime stamp
  uses the LastWriteTime stamp as ctime.  This comes relatively close
  to the way ctime behaves in POSIX.

- The CreationTime stamp is neither read nor changed programatically by
  Cygwin now.  This should solve the aforementioned problems for native
  Win32 applications.

Please download from http://www.cygwin.com/snapshots/ and test.

Thanks, Corinna

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com
Red Hat, Inc.

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