On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 06:18:45AM -0400, Lev S Bishop wrote:
>I looked and this doesn't seem to have been mentioned in the archives. 
>You can cd to any random subdirectory of a directory in the /proc 
>filesystem, irrespective of whether it exists. Examples:
>$ cd /proc/banana
>$ ls
>ls: .: Not a directory
>$ cd /proc/self/banana
>$ ls
>ls: .: Not a directory
>$ cd /proc/self/fd/banana
>$ ls
>ls: .: Not a directory
>However it only works one level deep:
>$ cd /proc/banana/banana
>bash: cd: /proc/banana/banana: No such file or directory

This should be fixed in CVS and will be in the next snapshot.


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